For Sophie: I think we could have fun with a few different themes. The first being that the shoot is for a lifestyle shoot of a celebrity so have the images all about you and your amazing personality. Therefore the clothes should be stylish but not overpower the image. I thought we could stay simple with a white button down shirt or a striped french-inspired shirt, a little Audrey Tautou-esque. We can also do something sensual or flirty, very Marilyn Monroe-esque. Audrey and Marilyn are the celebrities that you remind me the most of.

We can shoot in my apartment because i have a great wide open white wall that we can shoot you in front of. I also have a black background I could put up to shoot against. These images would be a little more intimate and would be a look into your more "private" life, maybe by a nice big window or bed.

Its important to really connect with the camera because this shoot would be for your "fans". They need to see something emotional that you are conveying to them through your eyes and emotion. You need to open up to the camera for THEM. I think that would be your motivation. These images I love because of the incredible emotion we get from the models.

These images we could use as inspiration if we shoot outside, maybe around the streets or if we go to central park. They would show you interacting with your environment. They could be fun, flirty and playful or sexy and serious. A great combination of the two would work well I think.

These images reminded me of great recreated paparazzi shots or candids. That would really set the mood for you and really convey that you are a star or celebrity.

These images I really loved because of the strong poses. I love these lines and even if we are just playing around on the street or my roof and taking informal shots it would be great to have these great strong poses that might seem just incidental.

I could imagine this shot if we photographed inside a diner. There are about a million around my apartment so we could easily hop into one and shoot some quick pics.

All pictures taken from Tumblr. Let me know if you have any picture credits. Thanks!
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