In addition to blogs and tumblr sites I like to follow street fashion photography sites.
The Sartorialist (a fashion blog by Scott Schuman), I would have to say, is probably the most well known site that publishes images of random people found on the street that have a really great and unique sense of personal style.
The site that is the most user-friendly is where ordinary people can create an account and publish images of what they think are great outfits. What's great about this site is that there are people from around the world uploading their own outfits so you get a great variety of styles.
Another one I like to check up on, but doesn't update as frequently, is
The Streethearts. This is what the founders of thestreethearts have to say about their site:
The Streethearts is a fashion web site aiming at showing what ordinary, well-dressed people wear in their everyday lives. We show you people who bear their clothes and dress themselves with pride. We want to stimulate you to personalize your style and find new ways to put together your outfits. We believe that inspiration can be found everywhere and at all times, and not only on the catwalks around the world.
Most of our Streethearts are found in Oslo, since that is where we live. However, whenever out travelling, we always bring our cameras, so you may occasionally find photos from elsewhere.
The Streethearts are photographers Andreas Schjønhaug and Eirik Slyngstad.
Looking at the streethearts today inspired me to write this post and especially the last person they featured on their site. This woman, photographed by Eirik Slyngstad, completely reminded me of my mom. I feel like she is dressed very much how my mother would dress if she were around her 20's now and had the same sense of style as she did when she was growing up.

These last images are of my mother when she was in her early twenties in the 80's. She had a very laidback style and wore loose baggy pants which looked amazing on her tall and slim frame. She went hiking a lot in the pacific northwest and wore her very long straight hair back in a scarf like in the second picture down where she is posing with my dad. I think I've inherited some of her laidback and carefree style although I'm not sure she would really call it 'a style' per se. It's fun thinking of old style in a modern way.
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