Since this semester I am taking a cinema production class and have to make my own movies I feel like I have been looking at more movies and shorts. I came across this set of interviews conducted by the New York Times and I went through most, if not all, of them. I love the simple lighting of the subjects and even thought the interviews might not be the most heartfelt or emotional, I think they make the actors come across as approachable. They are just a collection of fun interviews. Take a look:
Speaking of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, if you haven't seen him in anything other than 10 Things I Hate About You then I would really recommend the movie Brick. It is a strange and dark detective story that focuses on High School students and in a way it is like a film noir movie with younger characters. It also won the special jury prize for originality of vision at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

Below are photos of Joseph Gordon-Levitt from when he was on the cover of the New York Times Style Magazine. The Style Magazine always has really great photographs and I keep a lot of the portraits in the magazines as inspiration for my own portraits.
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