There are places that I find myself drawn to and go back to photograph again and again.
My dad and I went out one afternoon a couple years ago and took his large format camera. The negatives are 4x5 and are absolutely beautiful. We went into the woods by the Cornell Experimental Fields and ended up taking a few close up shots of patterns that we found in an old fallen tree. The first picture is from that day we went out with the large format camera
More recently, about a year ago, I went to the experimental fields one day after school. I had nothing else to do that day so I took my Holga and walked the trail taking pictures. There are trails from bugs all over the trees and the second picture is of bug trails left in the wood. I'm sure they were different trees but they make such beautiful patterns.
The last shot is from the same roll of film that my second bug trail picture was from. There is this beautiful overhang with a relatively large tree suspended over a huge drop. I was drawn to the moss in the foreground and by the edge. There wasn't any grass growing, just moss and it gave off such a soft quality that I thought would really fit with the soft light and the light leaks that the holga produces. I also love the black frame on the left side. I think it balances out the image and the vertical trees on the right half of the frame. I never know what I am going to get with the holga and all these small quirks that can never be planned for always end up adding a magical quality to the images.

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