I generally try to check lookbook every couple days so that I can see what new looks are being posted. Here are some of my favorite images of men from lookbook. Sorry I don't have a link to the individual sites for the pictures but its been a while since some of them have been posted. You can find them all on the site.
These first two images I really love. They look like they could be for a larger editorial shoot for Teen Vogue or something. Right now I am having fun thinking of other pictures that I could see featured in this hypothetical shoot. I love this first one because it was shot in an outdoor studio (a backdrop outside). I love this look because the light is so even across the subject so in a way, the even lighting matches well with his even stance. There are no crazy shadows and no crazy poses, so this is an example of the light really complementing the tone of the photograph. The second one is a little bit farmer hipster and reminds me of a place that I love to shoot. I really am a sucker for open fields. I like the directness of the models and the fact that they are younger which makes their gazes, outfits, and poses a little more innocent.

These next three images are all in black and white which I find really interesting for fashion images. For this first one especially, we don't get any sense of the texture or colors of his coat or plaid vest underneath. I like the symmetry of the white walls and the darker door frame, which in turn, frame the subject. I like his easy stance and especially the coat which is nonchalantly draped over his frame.
I couldn't imagine this image being in color. The window is perfectly highlighting the subject without casting him in silhouette. The ladder is weird but the man's pose is strong and clean. I like that it is also a bit feminine in the way his arm just gracefully falls down and how his back is curved.

For this one I basically just like the angle, the barrenness, and the presence of wind to push the man forward. He reminds me of the somnambulist (on the right) from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
I love the location for this shot. I want to go there and I really like how his outfit matches his location. He seems to belong there and I like how it seems rather effortless.

To me, his seems more of a magazine image than an editorial shot but I liked his curved back, his glare/stare and his boots.

Just a fun jumping shot. I really like the coat and the patterns behind him on the wall. Again, I feel like I might see this in an urban outfitters catalogue or something.

What I love about this is the strong pose of the model. It really contrasts with a softer masculine pose like the one above of the guy on the ladder. He is strong and totally facing us. He isn't hiding and could be seen as maybe confrontational. Like here I am.
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